Wednesday, July 28, 2010

time marches on

I am the first to begrudgingly admit to still enjoying analog clocks, and I strongly despise digital ones (with the possible exception of a clock radio in the bedroom) because let's be honest "even a stopped (analog) clock can be right twice a day" but a broken electronic clock is just a brick.

The Howard Miller line of time pieces have always struck me as rather elegant, in a, if you will forgive the pun, timeless sort of way. Something about an orderly progression of time around a circle to give you the sence that time is passing but some things come right back again as well. I guess it is a mix of the mortal and the eternal that appeals to my sence of what is right about the Universe.

Dressing up a room with a fine clock is the grown-up way to tie a room together and the right clock can be handed down to future generations as well making it all the more timeless. This has been a sponsored post.

Fun Road Warrior Trivia and Picture

According to IMDB, the actor who played Humungus - Kjell Nilsson- now manages a software company.

Rather ironic that the guy who played the crazy man in Road Warrior seems quite sane, while the guy who played the hero has gone bat-sh*t crazy, don't you think?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

south for the summer

Here in Northern California, the dream of the picture perfect summer is more of a TV inspired dream than a reality, particularly since the last week has felt more 'winter' than your usual Summer (By Winter of course I mean long-sleeve shirts in the morning which I know must seem like an insult to those places that actually have a proper winter, what with snow and that sort of thing.)

With that in mind, later this week we are all piling into the van for points south. Hopefully, nothing bad will happen but what to do in the event we will experience a need to mount a criminal or DUI defense in a Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, or Santa Clarita Courtroom? Far from home, and not in the mood to deal with all the local details, that's exactly when you need a good local and trusted law firm like the San Fernando Criminal Lawyers listed here.

I anticipate a good time in the Southland and won't be looking for any trouble but can rest easier knowing there is a legal team to help us when we would need it. This has been a sponsored post.

Photographing Apple's Snow Leopard And Other Big Cats

NPR would like to share a link with you:
Photographer Steve Winter has an odd experience when he enters an Apple store, his picture of an elusive snow leopard, which he chased for 10 grueling months in northern India, is now on shelves and desktops everywhere.

Let's hope he gets a per use royalty!

Monday, July 26, 2010

hubs not drubs

We have some friends who run an announcement mailing list of about a thousand people via a Mailman install on their own server. It's very low traffic, maybe once every few months but apparently lately Mailman's been causing all sorts of headaches— despite their very tight security on who can send mail to the list, they're getting a bunch of moderation requests from spam spoofing someone on the whitelist. They also say they have been getting a lot of confirmation e-mails for my address, which means someone's sending a lot of eMail to the requests eMail address you use to sign up for list access.

Mailman in general is not great, but it's provided for free by our current webhost, and seeing they are a not-for-profit and a starving small magazine, when they asked me for options, I was able to sent them to a web hosting hub review.

A seriously professional operation and low cost won't be much for their purposes soon, I hope.

A fast new browser: Now available for Mac

Google Chrome runs web pages and applications with lightning speed.


Your operating system is not supported.
Google Chrome is available for Mac OS X 10.5 or later, Intel only.


too much good stuff to keep a secret

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of ampm. All opinions are 100% mine.

Ever since college I have had a soft spot in my heart for the food at ampm– probably because I knew someone that worked there so we were "free" to doctor up the food to our desires. I am not sure at the time if their manager would have approved of us bending the rules but now, not only is bending the rules OK, it's encouraged, that is if you know about the secret menu tab on Facebook.

Me, I think I like the Hot Chihuahua –a hot dog topped with nacho cheese and jalapenos. What's your favorite? See the list of Secret Menu items on the Secret Menu tab on the ampm Facebook page. New Yums are coming out 7/26, 8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/30, plus on August 2nd you can create their own ampm secret menu concoctions right on Facebook!

Just like they say, too much good stuff (to keep a secret for long)!

Visit my sponsor: ampm Secret Menu Items

Friday, July 23, 2010

Flaw or Sign of Things to Come

It's Friday and I have 5 minutes before I have to leave to catch the
train home. Just enought time to transfer last nights Futurama from a
USB thumb drive to the iPod so I can watch it on the ride home, right?

Wrong. My work pc is in a coma that I can't wake it from. So while not
helped by the fine products from Dell and Microsoft, the fact remains
there is but one way to get _my_ content onto an iProduct and that's
via an expensive (trust me, I have just fried one and have looked at
the cost of an official replacement) white, non-standard cable.

Oh, I guess there is also the iTunes store way as well.

So, instead I read a (paper) copy of The New Yorker and left the iPod
and the thumb drive in my bag, together just not speaking to one

Anyone know if there is a way to transfer files from USB media to an
iPod/ iPad so you can play them?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

in and out in under an hour or two

The Stahl Eye Center has been serving patients for more than 35 years – so yes, you could say they know a thing or two about LASIK. The fact that many of their physicians are graduates from top universities such as UCLA, John Hopkins and Yale says a great deal as well.

What I didn't know was that recovery from Lasik vision surgery can be as little as a few hours, with most patients seeing well in about a day or two.

Time to re-think your position on the procedure? It is sounding more attractive as I get older.

This has been a sponsored post.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Apple Donates MacPaint Source to Computer History Museum

Thursday, July 08, 2010

New iPod Touch Soon?

New iPod Touch: 5MP camera and FaceTime incoming? Britain's top sellers say so...

The new iPod Touch will come* packing a 5MP camera with HD video shooting skills, a flash to improve low-light pictures and capture HD video (presumably at 720p just like iPhone 4). It's also promising YouTube uploading. Most excitingly, it claims the new iPod Touch will be the next device to come packing FaceTime with calls over Wi-Fi so it looks like there'll be a front-facing camera too.

*according to John Lewis which just spilled the new specs at its Xmas in July event in central London.

Apple iKnows All About iYou

Apple's iAds system actually uses lots of your information, including your iTunes purchasing history, location data, and any other download or library information it can suss out about you, to determine what ads you see.

…unless you opt out. You'll still see ads, just not the targeted ones.

How this compares to TiVO's policy I have yet to determine.  

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

gifts for giving

This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of FriendGiftr. All opinions are 100% mine.

How would you like to be able to buy and send real gift cards or e-mailable e-gift cards to your friends, family, or business associates from the ease and comfort of a website, Facebook, your iPhone, BlackBerry, or Android device? Mark their holiday, birthdays, or other other special occasions with a gift everybody can use. With a selection of over 120 of their favorite retail and restaurant gift cards you are sure to find just the right gift in amounts ranging $10 to $100. Even better, with FriendGiftr, the receivers are free to get what they really want if you guess wrong – they can exchange your gift card for any of the 120 merchants Friendgiftr offers at no additional cost and without having to disappoint the buyer, if they choose. Another plus, they can also split the gift card across multiple merchants, so you have all the benefits of cash with the protection of a gift card. Talk about the ultimate in user choice and control! This is what I should have used when I "thanked" my brother by sending movie ticket certificates valid only at theaters 100s of miles away!

Visit my sponsor: America's Favorite Gift Cards

Friday, July 02, 2010

The Giving Tree iPad decal

not sure if I would use an ipad more or less than my iPod touch but seriously, how clever is this The Giving Tree iPad decal?

Thursday, July 01, 2010

WIRED Has the Fix your iPhone 4 - Only a Dollar

While Apple hires antenna engineers for the no doubt better-cheaper-faster iPhone 4.1, take reception matters into you own hands (ha! get it) with a $1 fix: the common LiveStrong (or equivalent) gel wristband.

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idogcow. Get yours at

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