Thursday, December 09, 2010

[RIP] John Leslie

John Nuzzo, a 65-year-old Mill Valley resident who died from an apparent heart attack at his home Sunday, was better known to legions of fans as John Leslie, the groundbreaking adult-film actor appeared in more than 300 movies before becoming a prolific director.

Reportedly when asked what the most difficult part of his job was, "Getting up for work", was his reply.

Why Twitter Beats Facebook

As respectable guest, I said to the receptionist, "I hope the porn
channel in my room is disabled." "No, it's regular porn, you sick

Made of 100% recycled tweets.

Tweet from @apelad

Literal Tron Legacy trailer. Funny idea. Funny execution.

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Palin is Un-Australian

RT @eirinn22: Sarah Palin calls Julian Assange "unamerican". Let's
file that under "no shit, Sherlock".

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

holiday times

Looking to get away this winter? Want a unique and one of a kind European adventure that the family will treasure for a lifetime? Ready to try something new, something oh so Continental? How about a luxury trying out one of the 18 possible European holidays in destinations like Holland, Germany, Austria, Belgium or many other hot destinations in Europe.

Discover the lesser known sights in a caravan or tent or in one of many lodges. See the real destination and meet real locals, not the same old people you'll find in tourist hotels, you know, the people you went on holiday to get away from.

Truly get the feel for a place by eating, seeping and doing things the locals do in stunning surroundings all while relaxing and recharging your batteries for when you finally decide to rejoin your 'real' life.

Tweet from @idogcow

Unintentional Google humour or statement of fact: "Thank you. Your
information has been sent to Google." (signing up for nexus s info)

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Friday, December 03, 2010

Black Celebration

Celebration, Florida, a infamous town built by Disney Corp. in the '90s, and the much discussed CCRs that even coveted items like the colour of your drapes, just had its first murder.

Chumbawumba, so far has no comment.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Backpack Prose

following me enjoy the time in spring
With you appreciate to read it

...There was more but he got off the bus

idogcow. Get yours at

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