Saturday, May 28, 2011

to serve & protect (your gear)

Seems like as we keep moving forward into the future we seem to be carrying more and more stuff (especially if you are new parents) and that stuff is more and more expensive. Phones, laptops, tablets, eReaders, cameras– they are getting small enough and powerful enough to bring with you everywhere but are still at a point where you aren't just going to toss them in a knapsack and hit the road.

So how to bring it all with you but be sure to have it all working when you get there? For many people, Pelican cases are the answer– heavy duty cases that are unbreakable, waterproof and best of all: stackable. Their cases can be found in the hands of law enforcement officials and firefighters, two of the most high-impact environment job-sites I can think of. No wonder the medical industry, the military, outdoor enthusiasts and hobbyists trust Pelican cases when they travel.

Take a look at the many Pelican case options and I bet you'll see the ones that are right for you.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

web 2 go pro

It's getting to be tough times I would bet for web site designers -
just when you thought the browser wars had ended, now you have to
contend with computers, tablets and phone sized screens. Do you go
with Flash? HTML5? Both? Do you create multiple sites so that everyone
is happy or just do a 'home' and a 'mobile' version?

If you are looking for help with web marketing, website design, and
mobile site design, you really need an expert, today more than ever. So when I heard about the South Lake Tahoe SEO Company, I definitely thought this is a group that I need to keep an eye on.

Maybe you do, too?

Best in Show?

[Wiiliam Gibson said this reminds him of one of the best scenes in the
history of cinema:]

Agree? What would you list as part of your top 5?!/GammaCounter/status/70647299344310273

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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

four on the floor

What ever you are looking for, be it carpeting, tile, laminate, granite, ceramic, vinyl or hardwood flooring along with quality competent installation by real professionals — Sears has quality home flooring at prices you will have to see to believe.

Hopefully the rain has stopped where you are which means work outside in the garden. The problem with that is often the soil form the yard wants to come inside with you. Which means now you have to clean floors. Today I discovered that if you do track dirt or mud into the house, you'll want to do it where there is no carpet, so if you had a Laminate flooring install like we did, clean-up is just a few towels and a little bit of water or lemon oil.

Make you home look beautiful and keep it looking that way long after you have seen the workmen leave with a quality look from the retailer you have known all your life.

big g little g

Don't know if I have already mentioned it here but I recently upgrading my mobile phone to a MyTouch 4G, a white one just to say I had a white 4 before anyone on Verizon or AT&T could say they had a white phone, albeit one with a different OS.

What already blows me away is how many functions of the phone are handled by Mountain View's own Google. I am a firm believer in mixing things up so no one company gets all my business or stores all my data but with this new Android phone it will be a bit tougher than usual. I mean, what other 'search engine' based company has so penetrated our everyday lives to the point that ‘Google’ is now a verb.

Which is why when it comes to making your yourself findable in the great search you really need to use a search marketing company to help. Specialists who know what they are doing and can keep up with the latest changes in algorithms so you stay at or near the top while keeping out of trouble.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Remember the TV Guide Fall Preview Issue

My brother & I used to LIVE for the Fall Preview issue of TV Guide, using it as a guide for the week's viewing. Making bets on new shows, scanning for ANY science fiction, then tucking it away for post-season hilarity or eerie presciency.

Which is why, in this post printed guide world we live in, this caught me completely off guard:  a Bones spin-off called The Finder ?

Read "Fox's Fall Schedule: Bang, Bang, You're Dead And We're Not" @ Hollywood Reporter

(via Instapaper)

Doctor Who Cookie Cutters from @wheresthetardis

Not sure how practical, but how cool are these?

Photo: a-peck-of-owls:!/wheresthetardis/status/70226663027392512

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Sunday, May 15, 2011

QR Code with Your Coffee

Friday, May 06, 2011

'Moon' Robot in Real Life?

The game "Operation," played with a surgical robot. So overwhelmingly

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Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Hidden & Lost

Hidden spaces at the Frick Museum shows you the bowling alley you never knew existed. 

Recently, it seems that remind Mark Lamster of a truly lost space: the Lenox Library.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Tweet from @TheAtlantic

Photo: Obama, Biden, Clinton, and others watch #OBL strike in real

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Sunday, May 01, 2011

a garden party

As the weather turns warmer, some may say finally this very odd year, the idea of entertaining outside begins to sound more and more like a wonderful idea. Instead of cleaning the house like we did over the last three days, you could simply direct your guests around the back of the main house and greet them in the great outdoors, where a little mess is hardly noticeable.

But where to put everyone? If you had some quality benches and chairs in place all you'd need were a few transportable light tables to rest food and drink on, add some lights and you would be set. Trouble is, where do you go to find garden benches that work. While every garden looks good with a bench, not every bench works in every garden. And how to get the perfect bench home?

As is often the case, the answer is 'online.' There is an amazing number of choices at 3 Seater Garden Benches at various styles and prices to fit every budget, every space and every taste, all ready to be delivered to you free of charge provided you meet the low minimum purchase requirement.

So get outside and show off the hard work you've put into your garden, put a kettle on and invite the friends round. You've worked hard all week and all could do with a bit of sunshine and good conversation. And with the right places to sit could be doing it by weekend next!
idogcow. Get yours at

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