Wednesday, November 03, 2004

A Bright Spot?

Excerpt from Xeni Jardin of BoingBoing fame. Read this then join Working Assets.

Four more years of a nation led by criminals. I was making coffee with one eye on CNN when the news broke, and I called my dad, a man who's spent many years fighting for good things, sometimes at great personal cost.

"Get over it," he said, "The way you feel now is exactly how I felt when Nixon won a second term -- crushed. I just couldn't believe America was that stupid. But remember what happened to Nixon that term."

"Change comes from discontent," he said. "And right now, there's a lot of discontent."

I finish pouring my coffee, and agree when my dad says what we're faced with right now is considerably more frightening than Nixon. BB pal Jim Graham IMs a few minutes later: "Yeah, and Karl Rove makes Lee Atwater look like a choir boy."


Blogger Unknown said...

your dad makes some good points. i agree with him even though i was old enough during NIxon's time but remember when Reagan got reelected..

7:10 AM  

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