Tuesday, March 29, 2005

WalMart, Choice & You

Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for contacting us at Walmart.com regarding women?s
prescriptions for birth control. Your comments and concerns are very
important to us as we strive to meet your needs.

Wal-Mart does not carry emergency contraceptives. Our pharmacists may
decline to fill a prescription based on personal convictions. However,
they must find another pharmacist, either at Wal-Mart or another
pharmacy, who can assist you by filling your prescription.

Again, we thank you for your comments regarding this issue.

Customer Service at Walmart.com

in reply to:

Dear Wal-Mart Pharmacies,

All over the country I have noticed a disturbing trend of
pharmacies refusing to fill women's prescriptions for birth
control. When a woman and her doctor decide that a prescription
for contraception is in the woman's best interest, a third party
has no right to override that decision. Pharmacies must ensure
that patients get their doctor-prescribed medication without
delay or inconvenience. I ask that your company assure me and
your other customers that no woman seeking prescription
contraception will be turned away by your company's pharmacies.

No doubt a majority of your customers take for granted that
women should be able to receive their birth control despite the
personal beliefs of the individual pharmacist. Timely access to
contraception is central to women's health, autonomy, and
equality. We must trust women and their doctors to make their
own reproductive health decisions.

I thank you, in advance, for protecting your customer's health
by ensuring your pharmacy will guarantee women have unhindered
access to their prescribed medications.

Thank you for your attention and support.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wal-Mart believes you should have so many kids that you become poor and HAVE to shop there, just like their employees.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing promotes the use of birth control more than a trip to the neighborhood Wal-Mart.

My husband and I went to Wal-Mart to buy a crib mattress... the idea was that we just got out of Costco and the Wal-Mart was right there... Target was 10 miles away. This proved to be the worst shopping experience I have ever had. The place is packed to the brim with people who think it's a good idea to go shopping with all their kids and grandparents in tow. I find it overwhelming. It's more than just the size... to keep rolling back those prices they don't have warehouses, and instead keep all their extra inventory in the aisles of the store... you have to dodge people and shit in the aisles to get anywhere.

In the children's section, there was a woman with count them 4 kids and a husband who didn't look much different than a kid (in that he looked like he just woke up or had to stop playing his PS2 to take the kids out shopping). I felt for the mom... she asked her husband to take the shopping cart with her newborn in it, but he just sort of stared at her, as if to say, "huh???". Her oldest daughter, who appeared to be around 10 said, "mom, don't worry, I'll take her...". It just kind of broke my heart, honestly. Poor lady with all those kids and that husband who looked like he was just totally shell shocked by the whole thing.

I looked down at my very pregnant belly and thought about how this could very well be my last baby... and it is for sure my last trip to Wal-Mart.

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to W.M. being All American? Seems like ever after the children of Sam took over everything has been coming from China.

Their customers don't know it but they are shopping themselves into unemployment.

12:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fun directory:

12:16 PM  

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