The fate of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will be determined in mid-September when Congress casts its decisive vote on the budget reconciliation bill. The Bush Administration is pressuring members of Congress hard to make sure that they stay lined up behind a budget bill that would sacrifice the Arctic Refuge to the oil industry. They are closer than they've ever been before to their goal of plundering one of America's greatest natural treasures. But we can still stop them!
The NRDC Action Fund has launched a seven week campaign to save the Refuge. The first step is to Make Sure Congress Gets the Picture by sending every member of Congress a thousand photos that capture the beauty and spirit of the Arctic Refuge. I just sent photos to my representatives in Washington, and I hope you will too. Go to http://www.nrdcactionfund.org/arcticphotos/photos.asp to send a powerful message to your representatives!
Sincerely yours,
John H. Adams
NRDC Action Fund
Action taken, fingers crossed.
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