Thursday, November 10, 2005

Disappearing Small Farms

Was watching Veronica Mars last night and was shocked to
see an ad highlighting the struggles of small-scale family
farming and how the US loses 300 farms a week to large
agribusiness and the need for more houses.

At the end you see the message was sponsored by
Ben & Jerry's which makes sense - they have
been trying to help small dairies and farmers for
quite some time now.

What was refreshing was the thought that maybe
finally more people are stopping to think about what
we are doing to this planet and the people of America
with the way we have been behaving. I somehow think
not all that long ago getting this spot to run on network
TV would have been a hard sell. Is this a benefit of a
post-Katrina USA?

And just so you know, Ben & Jerry's is asking viewers to log on to to find timely action steps to
take on behalf of small and mid-sized family farms. Consumers
can ask Congress to further national farmer-friendly legislation,
through vehicles such as the 2007 Farm Bill, to protect small and
mid-sized farms while slowing the expansion of industrial farming.


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