Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Reconsidering Star Wars IV in the light of I-III


"If we accept all the Star Wars films as the same canon, then a lot
that happens in the original films has to be reinterpreted in the
light of the prequels. As we now know, the rebel Alliance was founded
by Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa. What can readily be deduced
is that their first recruit, who soon became their top field agent,
was R2-D2.

Consider: at the end of RotS, Bail Organan orders 3PO's memory wiped
but not R2's. He wouldn't make the distinction casually. Both droids
know that Yoda and Obi-Wan are alive and are plotting sedition with
the Senator from Alderaan. They know that Amidala survived long
enough to have twins and could easily deduce where they went.
However, R2 must make an impassioned speech to the effect that he is
far more use to them with his mind intact: he has observed Palpatine
and Anakin at close quarters for many years, knows much that is
useful and is one of the galaxy's top experts at hacking into other
people's systems. Also he can lie through his teeth with a straight
face. Organa, in immediate need of espionage resources, agrees. "

read the rest: http://www.morningstar.nildram.co.uk/A_New_Sith.html


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is that Heidi Klumm? She looks about as smart as ever here.

9:29 AM  

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