Friday, November 09, 2007

"Arlo & Janis" Creator Jimmy Johnson on Charles M. Schulz

[Arlo and Janis, Charles M. Schulz]

On the subject of the new biography of Charles M. Schulz and meeting him at dinner:

Schulz seemed particularly interested in the fact I draw my own panels, the four little black boxes in which the strip exists. He drew on preprinted panels, he said. I'm sure he was grasping for something to say to yet another young cartoonist, but he persisted. He asked me how I did it. I began to explain that I'd draw horizontal lines with a pencil and a T-square, then I'd place a 90-degree triangle on the T-square and rule the vertical panels with a No. 1.0 Rapidograph pen....

About that time, the absurdity of the moment hit me, and I said, "I can't believe I'm telling you how to draw panel rules."

It was the biggest laugh of the evening.


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