Monday, June 23, 2008

the eyes have it

Last night some of the neighborhood cats started a small war in what sounded like our backyard at about three in the morning. Let me tell you, nothing can wake you up faster than the sound of feline distress, even if you know it isn't yours (an indoor only cat). To make matters worse is when you fumble around looking for (and trying not to) knock your glasses off the night-stand. These are the times when I start to think that Lasik might just be a good idea. After all, if Tiger Woods can have the procedure, why not me?

I have heard some people comment that this is 'cheating,' but is it really? The US Air Force allows laser vision correction for fighter pilots to give them an edge, Special Forces too. Would you want either of these groups to have to worry about glasses? And if all it is doing is replacing glasses, where is the shame?

LaserVue Lasik doctors have performed more than 25,000 procedures so for Lasik in San Francisco why not go to someone with the experience and who's been certified by the nonprofit No money down and no interest financing is available plus you can apply online so you know if you qualify even before you make an appointment. With payments about $60 a month, how much longer do you want to wake up with the world a blur?


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