Tuesday, November 18, 2008

supercharge me

I don't do that much driving any more so when I do I try to make it for fun as well as for running actual errands. I guess many people wouldn't consider a fairly stock four door Honda Civic a great touring car but beggers can't be choosers and once a cheap-ass bastard always a cheap-ass bastard!

What I have always wanted to find is a rental version of the buick supercharger we used to have growing up. Of course gas was under a dollar back in the 70s so my parent's could rock that ride ('the white car') and a buick station wagon - what can I say, we were a buick family!

If you are looking for a mercedes supercharger like I am thinking of doing and want great pricing and fantastic customer service look no further than the pros at superchargerpros.com - they have great selection of new or remanufactured parts available to ship as soon as you give them a call.

So what are you waiting for? Get more fun out of your driving!


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