Thursday, February 26, 2009

all that glitters

When it comes to weddings, it seems that you can basically distill them down to two different kinds, the traditional: with white dresses, multi tiered cakes all set in a church or church like setting. Then you have the non-traditional weddings, the couple in swimwear on a Hawaiian beach, dressed like vikings at a banquet or (don't laugh, I've seen it) Vampires on a Halloween night.

Of course, you don't really have to settle for either extreme, you could just pick a small area to go your own way, say with your Wedding Rings. There's nothing that says they have to be gold and diamonds. Why not be chic and unique and get black titanium rings? Or you could be so very modern and up to the minute and gettungsten carbide rings.

Your wedding day if done right comes but once in a lifetime, do it the way you want and make it a memorable one and one that speaks to your needs and desires.


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