Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kansas Politics

Representative Scott Schwab (R-Olathe) has introduced a bill to
require politicians to gather and disclose the personal information of
small (less than $50) donors, if that politician raises more than
$1,000. This is basically the Sean Tevis Campaign Finance Bill, and it
will only affect politicians who raise their funds through
distributed, grassroots campaigns. As Tevis points out. the main
reason for campaign finance disclosure rules is to track money's
influence in politics: "You give $1 to a candidate. It's a pretty safe
bet that they won't feel indebted to you. If you give them $100, they
might. You give a candidate $1,000 they will probably drop everything
to take your call." Do Kansans have to worry that net-people who
paypalled $8.34 to Tevis will lean on him for government pork?


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