Tuesday, August 11, 2009

home sweet home alarm

Have you noticed an uptick in the amount of petty crimes lately or is it just me and or the news papers reporting more on these sort of things? Regardless, we have been setting the home alarm system much more often than we used to. Maybe it is just a matter of, "we are paying for this, might as well use it," combined with the discount we get of the home owner's insurance for having the system in place.

I like the idea of having our home monitored 24/7 but I didn't know ADT is able to handle everything from severe weather events to computer crashes without losing contact with your home due to their 4 inter-connected locations across the United States, something a company with only one monitoring center can't do if its one center suffers an outage.

We have had one call from the alarm company and fortunately that was a false alarm set off by the team working on on floors and my fault for not setting the alarm properly. For more home safety tips, check out the link and start sleeping better tonight!


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