Monday, October 26, 2009

UserFriendly HomePage (a GeoCities original)

Lowly Worm

Created and illustrated by Richard Scary- Lowly Worm can usually be found standing next to Huckle the Cat. Lowly's age and family status is unknown but if memory serves, he shares a bedroom with Huckle in the Cat family home.

Always dressed in a smart green alpine hat, with blue slack(s), a red bow-tie, and tennis shoe. Having one leg doesn't seem to slow this worm down- in fact some times he gets into more adventures than the rest of BusyTown's inhabitants. Who can forget when he found that doll inside a loaf of bread? Don't forget the time he tied himself in a knot to hold the door shut on a moon launch. Shades of Tom Hanks and the Apollo 13 movie!

In the last couple of years Lowly has branched out into several books with just him as the star, as well as gaining a voice on the Showtime network's children's specials.


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