Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Apple a CELL out?

Mac OS Rumors has a nice summary of the new IBM cell processor and its potential applications (or lack thereof) for the Macintosh.

In short they tell of, "hearing repeatedly on the grapevine that CELL won't be used in Macs, but will rather be the heart of an ultra-high-performance, low-cost HD media hub device. Apple has been listening to consumers who want a video iPod, but believes an even cheaper HD video device is possible that would run virtually any Dashboard application and implement computer-like functionality in a "game console" price range -- perhaps as low as $299 initially and $199 in its second generation"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Betting this will drive stock up even higher when It does!

3:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep on rising, AAPL!

5:57 PM  

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