Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Livestrong Bracelets and the Rest

Lance Armstrong's LiveStrong bracelets have raised over $30 million to fight cancer since May 2004. With that kind of success you knew there would be imitators - here is a handy cheat-sheet courtesy of Fast Company of what all those different colour bracelets cost and who they support:

Victory Starts Here
Cause: Women's cancer research and prevention
Who: Athena Partners
Cost: $1
Number sold: 190,000
FYI: Athena has donated two times more from band sales than from proceeds of its actual product, bottled water.

1200 (the daily U.S. death toll from tobacco products)
Cause: Smoking cessation
Who: Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Cost: 10 for $10
Number sold: 60,000
FYI: Wear your wristband on April 13, national "Kick Butts" day.

Beat Bullying
Cause: Bully cessation
Who: British government
FYI: Sold out, so you'll either have to find one on eBay or beat someone up for his

Support Our Troops
Cause: Entertaining overseas troops
Who:USO (via 7-11 Stores)
FYI: Raising hackles because they're made in China, which in 2001 detained a U.S. military aircraft crew

Keep Doctors in Illinois
Cause: Medical malpractice reform
Who: Doctors in Illinois (partially funded by Pfizer)
Sold: ~100,000

Baller/ Team/ Respect, etc.
Cause: Making money
Who: Nike
Cost:$5 for three
Sold: company won't say
FYI: Nike says these bands existed before the Lance craze.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *love* that Nike is making the for pure profit.

Ha ha!

2:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I *want* the bully one - who do I have to beat up to get one?! ;)

6:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this meme is dead, don't you think?

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So has LIVESTONG become a brand-name?

3:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a Working Assets one - never wear it. This fad is over unless you are 8

10:27 AM  

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