Monday, April 25, 2005

Picture Mail CameraMail: "On the 22nd of December 2004, Kyle Van Horn taped a disposable camera to a piece of black foamcore and inscribed upon it the following message: 'ATTENTION POSTAL WORKERS! Please help us with our project. As this camera travels across the country we want photos of all whom it encounters. Please take a photo before you pass it along. Thank you!'"

Post Office workers are a wacky bunch in case you didn't know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

NIce! I am shocked they played along, but this is cool!

11:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

reminds me of the 'experiment' where they mailed a 20$ bill, a helium baloon, etc.

usps gets a lot of crap but they do the job!

4:07 PM  

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