Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Funeral First, Truth Later

Investigators knew that ex-NFL star was killed by own troops, but kept lid on facts, reports among others.

"The first Army investigator who looked into the death of former NFL player Pat Tillman in Afghanistan last year found within days that he was killed by his fellow Rangers in an act of gross negligence, but Army officials decided not to inform Tillman's family or the public until weeks after a nationally televised memorial service."


"The family learned about Tillman's fratricide over Memorial Day weekend, several weeks later. Commanders felt they could not hold onto the old version because the Rangers were returning home and "everybody knows the story," the documents show."

Another case of managing the reports of the war to suit Karl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And America still can't care. Yawn - when is the new Xbox going to come out? Before I get my ass shipped to Middle East I hope.

Ooh - wait I can take it with me....

4:39 PM  

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