[Disney MP3] Disney Battles Apple iPod Shuffle

While I am sure more people would favor a Disney-branded Apple iPod (think of the possibilities with the scroll-wheel), the Wall StreetJournal and Yahoo! have reported that it would start selling a $49.99 portable music MP3 players for kids.
Calling them "Disney Mix Sticks," and sized at about the size of a pack of gum, the are said to hold about 60 songs on a teeny-tiny internal 128 megabyte storage card but can hold additional 1-gigabyte memorycards. They also can play songs sold on small memory cards.
Disney said its players, in four styles including Chrome, Forever Princess and Sassy Pixie, would be available at Target, Sears, Limited Too and at Disney's online store in mid-October for parents, kids with their own allowances and Hipsters everywhere.
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