Can Pelosi Be Blamed For This As Well?
[WalMart, Homosexual Agenda]

I wasn't going to shop at Wal-Mart any time soon but does that make me a part of this? And here I thought the Democrats winning a mid-term election would make life simple again.

"God blessed Wal-Mart because Sam Walton chose to honor God and run his business according to biblical principles.
Then Something Happened!
American businesses across the nation are being blackmailed by the devil himself. They are being forced by the "politically correct" dogma (abortion, homosexuality, etc) of our day to accept his terms. If one chooses to defy this dogma, he will be forever branded as a right-wing, bigoted fascist, bent on forcing his own religion (Christianity) down everyone else’s throat. If the Church or any business will not accept these terms, or truly honors God, there will be hell to pay!
Now Satan has Wal-Mart in his line of fire!
After being lambasted for years by the anti-family, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, radical environmental left, Wal-Mart has finally succumbed to this constant harassment and blackmail. She has now chosen a policy of appeasement to assuage all of the false accusations leveled against her in hopes that the devil will somehow stop being so mean. It is sad to say that Wal-Mart has joined the The National Gay & Lesbian, Chamber of Commerce.The NGCC called Wal-Mart's action "part of the company's ongoing commitment to advancing diversity (homosexuality) among all of its associate, supplier and customer bases."
The NGCC desires that the world's largest retailer would also become the world's largest promoter of homosexual sodomy!
Wal-Mart desperately needs our help! There is something that we can do. It requires that we get out of the closet and run toward the roar!
I wasn't going to shop at Wal-Mart any time soon but does that make me a part of this? And here I thought the Democrats winning a mid-term election would make life simple again.
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