American Engine-uity
This is what you have to love about good old American ingenuity - take something and improve on it, despite people (no doubt) calling you crazy. Well, to quote the old Apple (Computer) TV ads, "Here's to the crazy ones".
I started this project after the Katrina-insired gas price runup since I have a long commute. I first learned to drive during the 1970's oil embargo and have been perfecting my hypermiling tenchniques ever since. My car is a 92 Civic CX, which I bought new, and was giving me low 60's to low 50's before I started aero modding it.'
This is what you have to love about good old American ingenuity - take something and improve on it, despite people (no doubt) calling you crazy. Well, to quote the old Apple (Computer) TV ads, "Here's to the crazy ones".
looks like he is buiding an Insight
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