Thursday, January 24, 2008

Tell Your Representative to Put Polar Bears First

The message below was sent to you from:

This letter urges concerned Americans to come to the rescue of
the Alaskan polar bear, which is facing extinction due to global
warming and is now threatened by the more immediate danger of
oil development being rushed through by the Bush Administration.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Dear Friend,

By speaking out today, you can help save Alaska's polar bears
from the threat of toxic oil spills.

The Bush Administration is trying to rush through the sale of
oil and gas leases in prime polar bear habitat -- the Chukchi
Sea off of Alaska -- before the polar bear can win protection
under the Endangered Species Act.

Please join us in supporting legislation -- the Markey bill --
that would reverse the go-ahead for this dangerous sale.
Otherwise, the Alaskan polar bear, which is already facing
extinction as global warming melts its sea ice habitat, would
face the more immediate threat of a toxic oil spill.

There is no proven method of cleaning up oil spills in the
Arctic's icy waters -- and there is virtually no way for
oil-covered polar bears to survive.

Please speak out now to put polar bear protection ahead of oil
and gas development.

Go to

Thank you for speaking out at this critical time.


Frances Beinecke
Natural Resources Defense Council


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