Wednesday, April 16, 2008

making the house a home

When were were looking to move out from our condo and into a proper home with a yard and all the trimmings there were two things that I really wanted to see (I would not go so far as to call them potential 'deal breakers' but our real Estate agent wanted to have a few things to go by from each of us.). First I wanted a formal entry – nothing bothers me more than a house that opens right up to the 'personal living space' for every tradesman and door knocker that comes to your door. The other was a proper fireplace with a mantel. In the first case I would say it was a case of I wanted a house that reminded me of the one I grew up in. In the second case it was a desire to have something that I did NOT have when growing up. We briefly had a mantel when we had an apartment but lost that when we moved to our condo. Again – obviously not a deal breaker but since we were shopping why not put it on the list?

We found a house (a home, really) that had my two wants (and more – have I told of our cats?) and now I want a mantel clocks to dress up the room. Our living room, while not totally done up in period style (c1930) does have the look and what little technology is in that room is tastefully tucked away. (The TV and DVR are in the 'library,' as we are not total Luddites!) I think a key-wound clock would look (and sound) just perfect and rather like the look (and cost) of this one from Hermle available to be shipped right to our door from 1-800-4CLOCKS.


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