a shining planet known as earth
Either way was enough to set my blood boiling for the trip into work and really make me dislike a large percentage of the human race which I am sure does not endear me to the rest of them either. Which is why I found it interesting to read today about The Sedona Method.
I learned how The Sedona Method is the bridge between The Secret and the Law of Attraction which may sound like a seminar at the Whole Earth Festival but if it sounds at all intriguing, you should take a look at their Free DVD and CD offer and judge them on their own merits.
I am curious to hear how one can have it all and still be free of ego and see why they say the Sedona Method is the bridge between two philosophies: "The Secret" and "A New Earth".
It is Friday, the end of a long (to me) week, why not start the week end working on the new?
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