Thursday, July 03, 2008

hit the road jack

No matter where you travel - even the public transit loving European countries - there are times when you have to ditch the bus and head off on your own path and thanks the competition in the car rental (or should I say, "car hire") business, prices have never been lowers - which is good since fuel costs are at an all time high and appear to only be climbing higher. We hired a car so we could get to Tintagel in Cornwall, England, the 'legendary home of King Arthur,' and so far off the grid in terms of bus routes we got lost for the better part of an hour. (Lesson: next time we'll spring for the SatNav).

But don't just think you can go to any of the majour rental sites and get a good deal automatically, that still requires a modicum of effort. Thankfully for the thrifty and lazy, Advantage has you covered. And not with just any old ride, how about half off of convertibles and Luxury car rentals?


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