Wednesday, September 17, 2008

back to cool

The weather today took a definite turn to the cold (Well, cold is a relative term. I am sure there are those in New England or Chicago who would call morning temperatures in the mid-fifties as 'balmy'). I was thinking my long sleeved rugby shirt and cargo pants would be overkill but not today!

I seem to wear the same two pair of pants most days, if it isn't GAP cargo pants it's Levis and not that anyone really notices or would say anything it can get a tad boring. Which is why when I read about the tactical pants on offer at LA Police gear I was quite intrigued. They even have a Flannel Lined version that will be available in mid October that comes with a free pair of 5.11 flannel boxers.

Looks like you'll get your money's worth - they have '30-year history of delivering quality, functionality, comfort and value & have consistently stood the test of time worldwide.' If these are good enough for the rigors of PD work they should more than suffice for my mere mortal tasks! And saving money and shopping less is hard to beat!


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