Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Laugh, Cry and Think

sports night
Originally uploaded by ivanovash
After a recent post regarding Psych on USA at Dragon Blogger I started to think about my all-time favourite TV show.

I recorded Sports Night back when I actually watched anything on ABC and was thinking about pulling out the actual VHS tapes and burning them on DVD when I figured I would just save myself the trouble and borrow them from Netflix (a word of warning - early episodes still come with the laugh track in place.)

Three shows in and so far I have been almost moved to tears (Jeremy and the deer), I have laughed out loud and I have marveled at the witty banter.

I read recently that Aaron Sorkin is working on a movie about the early days of Facebook. If it were any other writer I would laugh and move on but now I am eagerly awaiting the release.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know your favorite comedy, I haven't actually seen Sports Night, in fact since I don't watch sports, sports humor shows really aren't suited for me.

I used to watch old re-runs of Coach once and a while, and I saw a few episodes of ArliSS when it used to be on HBO way back about 8 years ago. It was funny when it was on HBO.

8:39 PM  

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