Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Less Than Helpful Folks at Dell

You are now being connected to an agent. Thank you for using Dell Chat
 12:30:12 PM    System   System 
Connected with ATG Marco

 12:30:17 PM     Agent  ATG Marco 
Thank you for contacting the Dell Employee and Student Purchase Program. My name is Marco, I will be your personal assistant . Are you purchasing a laptop or a desktop today?
12:30:42 PM  
 Customer   rob reeves 
I was trying to back to the 1525 I had put in a cart last night but now it seems to be gone
12:31:07 PM  
 Agent   ATG Marco 
To be sure that I can further assist you, may I have the name of the company or institution that you work for/assist?
12:31:15 PM  
 Customer   rob reeves 
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ University
12:32:32 PM  
 System   System 
Thank you. Your Dell Chat session has ended.


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