Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Slingbox and the iPhone

The headline over at TUAW this morning:

Sling getting serious about the iPhone

Reminded ne that I just don't understand the point of their product line. OK, maybe the shut video from one room in your house to another has its appeal but to stream it to your phone? So you can watch tv in your Utah hotel room. Bring a book or discover what people in other places watch. Have a walk, write some overdue email. 

Sling Media says they are submitting it to the app store in this quarter. They are also providing a form so you can send in your email address and be notified when it becomes available if you do care. 

Maybe this is like a TiVo and until you have one you just don't get it, go ahead and convince me, Sling. You know where to send me one. 

Sent from Newton 2.0 (iPod Touch)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sling player for win : 45 meg?! wtf... i'll bring some dvds or watch youtube or hulu.

11:04 AM  

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