Monday, February 02, 2009

oil change

This past November's election and last month's inauguration were historic events on a global scale. To say this is a 'once in a life time' occurrence would be an understatement to say the least. Now that the festivities are over and the man is settling into his job, does that mean we should all just go back to our regular lives and let history write itself? I say no, let's keep up the good fight and keep remembering what America as a country and president Obama as a man have done. But the question is, how to do it?

You probably have noticed a great deal of President Barack Obama art on offer of late but seriously– how much of it would you be proud to own, to display, and to pass down to the next generation? Well, I think after you see these pictures and the video you may just have to say that now you have. Unconvinced? Keep reading, for seeing is believing.

Announcing the newly launched Barack Obama oil painting service, where you can buy a hand made painting of our newest and most exciting President. Available in several sizes with prices starting at only $179.

How is it done? Watch this video:

Although it is not a video of the artist painting Barack Obama's portrait, it should give you an idea of how the painting is done.
The Barack Obama oil painting website is a division of Portrait Painting. For more information about our company and our services you can visit


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