Tuesday, March 17, 2009

pin me

It may be to late to dress up your outfit for Saint Patrick's Day but there are many more holidays yet to come in 2009 so if you are looking for unique and attractive brooch pins or Novelty Lanyards, you need to look no further than Moonbaby.

I have two sets of picture IDs that I need for work and am constantly switching between them depending on what building or room I am heading into, so the idea of having a couple of Beaded Lanyards sounds like a very good idea plus has the added benefit of working on keeping me organized.

Don't just be part of the badge crowd, stand out a little with your own set of Designer Lanyards at prices that will not make you think twice about getting several - for different days of the week, for different outfits or for different holidays. They also have a selection of Awareness Jewelery where they work with your particular charity or nonprofit and design a custom solution that features your unique logo, colors or theme. Their beautiful beaded products are all 100% hand-made in America so the time from creation to delivery can be quite fast. Be sure to check out their ability to personalize any of their products with a huge selection of charms, too.


Anonymous Betty said...

Be it Beaded Lanyards, Beading Watch Faces, Beaded Watches, Bangle Watches, Narmi Watch Faces Or Watch Faces For Beading, and much more are available at Sarah Whole Sale. Your one stop-shop for all your fashion needs!

8:17 AM  

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