Wednesday, April 08, 2009

sweets for the sweet

Last night we finally found the last, elusive box of Easter decorations. There was some great discussion at our house as to where it might be and what was in it, fortunately inside were some of the marble eggs and wooden rabbits so we both knew something was missing, but it was not until last night that we finally decided to pull every box we have in the garage down and inspect the contents that the mystery was solved. Lesson learned: label your boxes and stack them together!

Having found the box we could then proceed to do up the house in Easter style, eggs and rabbits with the odd Steiff lamb in there for effect. Of course empty eggs may be interesting to our cat (we found one plastic egg two rooms over from where we were unpacking) but to me they need to be filled with Candy of some sort, jelly beans are always a good stand by, malted milk eggs are safe from everyone in our house but me, and maybe, this year we'll try some sugar free candy just for good measure.

I was thinking also of a candy bouquet instead of a traditional Easter basket this year, as well. Can't have the same thing every year, right? Actually, give me a (large) bowl of Chocolate Holland Mints - you know, the ones with the soft peppermint centers dipped in dark chocolate and coated with a minty sugar shell, and I am in heaven. OK, enough blogging, this is making me hungry!


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