Friday, June 12, 2009

property watcher

If you own a second home and are having trouble selling it there is an alternative to letting it just sit there or selling it off at too low a price - make your investment property a rental. Now, if you are like me you probably don't have the time, energy or temperament to be an effective landlord but you don't have to have any of these when you enlist the help of the professional Real Property Management team of Real Property Management. RPM has just received the "Franchise of the Year Honorable Mention" award and has been featured in the Bizjournal of Cincinnati and Columbus.

RPM manages over 20,000 units nationwide, so you know they have the skills and connections it takes to make both you and your dreams succeed. In fact, Freddie Mac has Signed an exclusive agreement with Real Property Management to manage the new REO Rental Initiative. Let the people at RPM Midwest take the worry out of turning your property into a ongoing source of income. Questions? Ask the National Association of Residential Property Managers - RPM is a member and as such works to ensure the highest standards in property management services.

When they succeed, so do you and best of all, someone gets a place to live.


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