Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the phone lines are now open

I think it's rather funny yet sad that as more and more people are ditching their dial-up internet connections as fast as they are getting rid of their land line phone connection. Of course, it helps to be living alone to do the mobile number only thing, not entirely sure how we would do it as quite often those trying to reach us are trying to reach any or all of us and in that case it helps to have a single number tied to a geographical location.

The good news for the people that previously were told they live to far from the rest of their neighbors to get DSL or cable internet and were more or less stuck with a dial-up connection can now get their internet speed fix from space. Thanks to satelite high speed internet, they can watch the latest streaming videos the rest of the country is watching and download mp3s at a rate just like the rest of us. No more limiting your high speed surfing to your lunch-hours thanks to cheap internet from above!


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