Tuesday, May 11, 2010

shop far wide and wise

The best part about online shopping from home is that you can do it in your pajamas. The second best part is that you are not limited to just one shop or even just the usual popular shops. With a bit of searching you can often find the same things you'd buy from the big-name websites for a fraction of the price.

Don't be fooled that the internet names have the best prices, often times they don't and are simply counting on force of habit to keep you coming to their website. You may end up paying for the discount you got on that book by over-paying for your iPod dock.

So the next time you are looking to fix up your dorm room or patio with a new Mini fridge or need something new to wear, take some time out to look at all your online options. A smaller name website can often pass along the savings they make by not having to advertise all the time to you. If it's the same item made by the same big-name maker, what have you got to lose and how much do you think you can save? A little looking whilst having your breakfast can mean finding a big savings opportunity.


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