Thursday, January 24, 2008

In It To Win It

Well, it's is almost February and that means two things in America. Number one, you should be getting (or maybe you already got) your form W-2 in the mail. Yes, the mighty “Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement” where for once a year you get to see in black and white your total wages paid to you and the taxes that were withheld from you. And the other thing? Valentine's Day is but a scant two weeks away, time to once again prove to that significant other of yours just 'how much you love them.'

What's that you say? You just did that for Christmas? You haven’t even paid those bills off yet and have you seen just how little I make? Well sport, it's time to do it again. And some advice: this time, why not get them what they really wanted and they didn't get on December 25th before they go get it themselves.

Hang on, for Valentine’s Day 2008 you have a secret helper in your corner –'s "Game O Love" from January 25th to February 11th where you can register to win Valentine's Day presents for your sweetheart. Just head on over, sign in and get started. You can also pre-register and have them remind you when the Game O Love starts.

Pick out something nice, maybe even something you normally wouldn’t because you couldn’t afford it, cross your fingers and if you are the big winner you will be the hero to your sweetie (and all their friends – even better). So, in the name of our sponsor, visit today and enter's Valentine's Day Game!


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