Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Accident Waiting to Happen

Accident Claims are a fact of life these days and while many people will make charges like 'ambulance chaser' the fact remains that when a company or an employer causes a real injury to a person then that corporation has a legal, moral and ethical duty to make payment as a form or restitution.

This has been abused in the past - everyone has heard of the woman who sued McDonald's for the overly hot coffee that she spilled on herself in her car. I don't recall reading all the details of the case and how the jury came to the amount of the settlement she earned but take a look at every cup that may or may not contain hot beverages - they all have a warning now. Her case is now part of the world wide legal system and I say this is a case where despite the jokes for the most part we are better for it.

In a recent NPR report on Chinese cola mining by Ted Koppel noted, "Last year, approximately 3,800 miners were killed in accidents. This despite China's claim that it has closed more than 10,000 of the country's most dangerous mines." Is this the kind of a work place you would want to show up to every day? Be thankful there are laws here in the west to prevent and punish this type of lax behaviour.


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