Monday, February 04, 2008

Catch The Happiness Wave

You have all heard of the 'Monkey Mind', right? The chattering inside your head as you jump in your mind from thought to thought while you daydream, analyze your relationships, or worry over the future?

On that note then, I have a story for you:

"In Borneo, the natives have an ingenious technique for capturing the wild monkeys that raid their crops and stores of food. They take an empty coconut shell and make a small hole in it, just large enough for a monkey’s hand. They put some rice into the coconut for bait and tie the coconut down to the ground. The thieving monkey, smelling the food, comes to investigate. He sticks his hand inside the coconut to grab the rice, but when he tries to pull his hand out, because it’s clasped in a fist around the rice, it won’t fit through the hole anymore. To escape, all the monkey must let go of the rice. But because they won’t let go, they are trapped. Trapped just like we can be if we fall victim to focusing on negative thoughts and making ourselves unhappy.

Are you happy? Curious to know how Mariel Hemingway and Marci Shimoff raised their happiness set point with The Sedona Method? Then check out "'Happy For No Reason' 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out" by Marci Shimoff and while you are there be sure to ask for your Free DVD and CD.


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