Wednesday, March 05, 2008

move into the light

Usually I am a bigger fan of the Super Bowl ads then of the game itself but having lived on the east coast for several years while in school, I unofficially adopted the New England Patriots as a secondary 'home team.' They never did too well when I was there but still you followed their ups and downs each season and weighted in on how they would be better next year. Then the unthinkable happened, they started winning and behaving like a dynasty.

Well, like my brother and his dislike of the 49ers (“don't want to look like a johnny come lately and hop on the band wagon”) I started to move away from the Pats. That is, until they started their undefeated season. Was going to have my little brother over for the big game but that involved too much driving (as usual), but we could still enjoy the game at home(s). so a supply of light beer was laid in to make an evening of football second guessing coaches, media pundits and (TV commercial) directors.

Which brings me to the point of the beer. It was Sam Adams Light, a good tasting light beer just not as good as Samuel Adams Boston Lightship from ten years ago.

Anyway, do you like beer? Like to win prizes for liking beer? Then simply answer 10 questions to be entered for a chance to win a $300 Amazon gift card.

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A legal note: YOU MUST BE OVER 21 TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONTEST. The survey begins Saturday, march 1 and closes at midnight, Friday, march 14th.

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