Monday, March 03, 2008

need a business training course

Management Training may be a non-sexy thing to think about but raise your hand if you have spent time being trained for a task or aspect of your job and been bored silly raise your hand.

As I suspected, that's just about all of you.

Cow-orkers here have confessed to spiking their coffee with a little bit of The Irish in order to make their training more interesting, bringing wi-fi enabled laptops to surf the web or (I will confess to doing this, myself) drawing cartoons in the margins of the hand-outs. I maintain that cartooning is preferable to falling asleep (which I have done and seen others do as well).

Why does this happen? Because not everyone is a born presenter and PowerPoint has the ability to make even bad presentations look good but still remain content free.

Hey, you read cookbooks to learn how to be a better cook, don't you? Then admit that everyone can use help in presenting as well. Your audience will thank you and you'll have an audience that is awake, paying attention and eaager to come back to hear more. It's a Win win situation


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