Thursday, November 06, 2008

you're going to need pants

There are many things in life that masquerade as 'professional grade,' but really are just the same old low grad work with a bit of flash and polish added purely for show and while it may not be correct to say so, 'putting lipstick on a pig,' doesn't make it anything more than it already was.

Which is why when you are looking for long lasting, comfortable and functional cargo pants it is best to go and shop where the pros shop. Take for example the 5.11 Tactical Pants from Operator Tactical Pants ™. As full featured or better as similar pants by the big name companies that are selling for up to twice as much. With the elimination of big name middle man and shipped factory-direct, the savings are immense.

Give them a look and see if these are not the pants for someone on your Christmas list. At these prices, buy two.


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