Wednesday, April 28, 2010

back to school

Time passes so slowly sometimes that you never really notice it until something or someone causes you to stop, take stock of things and see just where the years have gone. I did a double take today when I read that as of next year, Sony will discontinue the manufacture of the 3.5" floppy disk. I remember when Apple first offered them on their new Macintosh computers as an alternative way to store your data (and your programs!) and I remember when Apple phased them out with the introduction of the first iMac. What really hit me was the fact that the iMac debuted in 1998! Where had the time gone to?

I bring it up because I got my iMac after I finished my Masters degree which means I have not been in school since then. Have times changed? You bet! So, when was the last time you were in school? Have you thought about getting more education? Maybe an m.s. in education or maybe a B.S. in Nursing? Or what about an even more advanced degree, say a Ph.D. in Psychology?

You can get any or all of these as well as classes in many more subjects by enrolling at Walden University– the school where they challenge you to find out what their online higher education community can offer you. This has been a sponsored post.


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