Tuesday, May 06, 2008

SJMerc: Shock over seal killings


Sometime Friday night or early Saturday morning - when there was but a sliver of moon and barely a flicker from the Piedras Blancas Lighthouse up the road - someone approached the elephant seals not with a camera, but with a gun.

The killings came a day before six sea lions were discovered dead - apparently shot - 700 miles away on the Columbia River on the border of Oregon and Washington.

"These animals don't feed on fish here and they were free, just laying on the beach," said state park ranger Bill Payne, who patrols the elephant seal beach. "You wonder what would drive a person to do it. There's got to be a lot of anger."

As a society we are going to H*ell in a hand-basket - apparently gasoline at $4/ gal removes the thin veneer of civilization.

via San Jose Mercury News


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