Thursday, October 02, 2008

cash in pocket

If you are like me, when you buy things it brings a momentary thrill of having something new quickly followed by the realization that now you have to buy the obligatory add ons that go with your new purchase.

Recently I decided it was time to get a new computer, which coincidentally came with a new iPod. As usual after the un-boxing and the owner's manual have been glanced at and the minor and major changes noted as you familiarize yourself with what is now the state of the art fades do you realize that your spending ways have not ended because now you need software, cases to keep your new toys looking new and loads of little extras here and there.

Which is why when I decided I needed new eyeglasses this year that I was happy to hear that offers the latest and most stylish prescription glasses starting at just $8. They have a huge selection of frames online, with single vision lens, photochromic lenses, tinted lens, bifocals and progressive lens. How do they keep their prices so low? By selling only their own manufactured frames direct to you, with no middlemen and virtually no advertising budget.

Still on the fence? List to what nationally syndicated consumer advocate program The Clark Howard Show had to say about then head back to school this Fall looking more like Tina Fey than Rachael Ray.


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