tuning tables on mailing labels
Don't get me wrong most are fine for sending to the mortgage company or for the water bill from the city but if you are going to take the time and energy to send a person a real life card or note, I think the whole thing should look like a small gift because in some what that's what it is. So we have a small cache of pretty stamps (although right now I bet the real life Frank Sinatra would balk at the label of 'pretty'.) and some labels that deserve a place on envelopes that we send.
That's why I like the both the pre made design templates and their flexibility of the labels (you can upload your own artwork if you can't find one of theirs that you like) over at VistaPrint. Plus, if you act quickly you can take advantage of their latest promotion - take 50% Off Return Address Labels with the coupon code Labels50. Act fast, this hot deal can't last forever and if the price of stamps keeps going up here's one cost you can control.
letters on paper... how quaint!
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