In today's SF Chronicle by Jon Carroll
"With a heavy dose of fear and violence, I think we can convince these people that we are here to help them."
-- Col. Nathan Sassman, brigade commander, Fourth Infantry Division, on the pacifying of the village of Abu Hishma in Iraq
"You have to understand the Arab mind. The only thing they understand is force -- force, pride and saving face."
-- Capt. Todd Brown, company commander, Fourth Infantry Division, on the same event
The American is a crafty little fellow. Oh, he can be all smiles welcoming you into his village. Often he will ask after your family and offer you a fruit drink. He will admire your rifle and remark on the sleek lines of your tank in his front yard.
But turn your back for just one minute, and he's on you like a flash, praying to his "god" to give him strength to protect his "sacred land."
But he does understand force. He is not stupid, your American. Ignorant, brutal, rapacious and underhanded in business dealings -- yes, I grant you that. But we must never underestimate his cunning. He takes every show of friendship as a display of weakness. Under cover of night, he will sneak down to the Dairy Queen parking lot you have made your temporary HQ and, armed only with a hunting rifle, take potshots at coalition forces. We neutralize him soon enough -- still, it's a continuing problem.
Fear and violence are effective. If you take a few American bodies and hang them from poles in front of the mall, well, he gets the picture. He's not so bloody brave after that.