Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tweet from @wired

An obscure Chinese company debuts an obscure smartphone that runs an
obscure Linux-based mobile OS. Seriously.!/wired/status/96694766149967872

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Made from 85% organic material.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bye Bye Love

Apple today sent their sub-$1000 MacBook to Apple graveyard. The links for the white MacBooks have vanished from Apple's website and now redirect to the main Mac landing page

Sorry Steve, the MacBook Air is NOT a replacement option to my 'Knut.' Our Dell Mini10 running Snow Leopard has shown (among other things) that I still like having an optical drive. 

Monday, July 18, 2011

see the future clearly

This post brought to you by globaleyeglasses. All opinions are 100% mine.

Gas prices are still hovering somewhere between the three and four dollar mark, your company stock price is flat and money is tight all over so saving every penny where you can sounds like a good idea right about now, right?

What if I told you you didn't have to pay high Shopping Centre eyeglass company prices any more yet still would have the good looks and great quality you've come to expect when it comes to your eyeglasses? Affordable prescription eyeglasses are easily available at, and you can save money buying your eyewear needs online.

Check out the ultra-cool virtual mirror which lets you 'try on' eyeglasses then share your choices with your internet friends and family. Use the refine tool to do real time searches to drill down and find exactly the eyeglasses you want giving you just the right look you are searching  for.

With complete eyeglasses available starting at a very low $6.95, they can guarantee customer satisfaction with 100% money back if not satisfied, what's stopping you from trying it today?



but did you ever think you could get stylish prescription glasses via the internet staring from just $8? And these are not the bottom of the barrel, left-overs that have been sitting in a warehouse since the Nixon administration, these are the latest styles. With a huge selection of frames, single vision lenses, 'colour changing' lenses, tinted sunglasses, and bifocals, there is sure to be something to fit you and your whole family.

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finder's fee

The best time to think about how people are going to find you on the web is before you start. The second best time would be right now!

Don't let search engine optimization be more than just something you bolt on to your site by your cousin who has a neighbor who knows 'a bit of this web stuff'. Creating a SEO friendly site should be a “day one” design consideration and a proper SEO Consultant on hire at the get-go can really make or break your marketing efforts. Fully optimize every aspect of every website at the root level and you will easily be on page one, despite shifting of algorithm. Hiring a professional web design and development company and an SEO company can be the difference between making a hobby and making a living.

SEO Consultant

BBC iPlayer + iTunes

1. copy the url to the radio station you want
2. open the url in VLC, let it start playing
3. save the playlist as m3u
4. open the playlist in QuickTime 7 Pro, let it start playing
5. in QuickTime 7 Pro, save the stream as .mov
6. open the .mov in iTunes and play it

Even though it lists about 10 minutes in iTunes, it will play the live stream for hours.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Kids & Eating

In fall 2005, a restaurant in Chicago's Andersonville drew national attention when it posted signs that "children of all ages have to behave and use their indoor voices when coming to A Taste of Heaven."

A Taste of Heaven staff member at the Chicago restaurant said just this Thursday that the two signs remain. "Parents were letting their children run about and they were slamming into the glass of the pastry cases," he said. "It's not much of a problem now."

Hey, ToH is still open! Next time we're in IL, let's go!

Android Reaches 130 Million Devices, +550,000 a day

Sent to you via Google Reader & This is My Next

Google announced on its second quarter earnings call today that Android is now on some 130 million devices worldwide — a 30 million boost from the the number last announced. Hard to beat that but Apple iOS is on just half a dozen SKUs, so there is that.... 

Friday, July 01, 2011

PETA: How to train an elephant


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