Finally a way to be a Cheap-ass Bastard and a political activist! Apple's iTunes Music Store has free copies of the 9-11 Commission Hearings in MP3 format. (Link goes to Staff Statement No. 5: Diplomacy (3/23/04) but there are many others).
Jason Kottke has created an HTML version of the 9/11 Commission Executive Summary with permalinks for each paragraph for easy linking and copy/paste.
The U.S. Government Printing Office offers a (not free) hard copy: stock number 041-015-00236-8. This will cost $8.50 plus $4.75 for shipping, checks and most major credit cards accepted. Order by phone at 866-512-1800 or on-line, or by mail from Superintendent of Documents, PO Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.
Be Informed as they say over in Homeland Security.