Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Line Forms on the Left, Please"

Credit goes to Dave Pell and Electablog for coming up with a single line that Kerry `an use in the debate and on stickers:

"The American people are smarter than that."

Repeat as needed.
Pulling Back the Curtain: What a Top Reporter in Baghdad Really Thinks About the War

In an unfiltered look at the situation in Iraq from a Wall Street Journal correspondent Farnaz Fassihi, we learn, "[d]espite President Bush's rosy assessments, Iraq remains a disaster. If under Saddam it was a 'potential' threat, under the Americans it has been transformed to 'imminent and active threat,' a foreign policy failure bound to haunt the United States for decades to come."

Read the whole story before you vote in November here.

Monday, September 20, 2004

Is a picture worth a thousand words?

Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

1. Is a picture worth a thousand words?

Danny Gregory
I guess it depends on who you are and where you are.
If you're Army Corporal Charles Graner of Abu Ghraib fame, this picture is worth eight words from your boss: "You are sentenced to 24 years in prison".

If you're Donald Rumsfeld, the same picture is worth a whopping twenty-two words from your boss: "You are doing a superb job. You are a strong Secretary of Defense. And our nation owes you a debt of gratitude."

This indicates that Spc. Graner is an E-4 and earns $1991.50 per month while Sec. Rumsfeld has a much higher pay grade.

On the other hand, if you write a thousand words for the average online satirical magazine, figure on not getting paid anything. Do a watercolor for an online satirical mag and figure, again, on not getting paid anything. So, online, a picture is worth pretty much the same as a thousand words.

In short, I'd much rather have a picture in Yankee Pot Roast than a long sentence in the stockade.

Your pal,

Monday, September 13, 2004 and "Everybody"

A great ad by MoveOn and award-winning video and commercial director Benny Boom. This ad is non-partisan and hopefully sends a message to everyone who thinks that their vote doesn't matter.

You can help get this ad on the air by donating to MoveOn here.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bush's 7 Deadly Sins

The staff curmudgeon from the Sierra Club's 'Sierra' magazine tallies the president's environmental crimes. Here are the 7 worst.

Also woth noting is the NRDC's list of the 300+ "Crimes Against Nature."

Friday, September 03, 2004

Pulp-Era Books Are Now Postcards

Pulp Fiction Postcards has an amazing selection of pulp covers to buy or just browse. Great for keeping in touch with people who 'don't do eMail,' or just to have something in your mailbox besides bills and grocery store circulars.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Best Underwear Ever

Best Underwear Ever (?)

Not sure where you can buy these, but for (on?) the right person, these would be cool.

idogcow. Get yours at

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